Cotswold Select Service is free to use
and here's what makes us extra special

  • We select quality businesses who trade regularly in and around the Cotswolds area
  • Our Select Business owners page shows examples of completed work
  • We list genuine recommendations left by local people
  • All contact details are readily available

Find Cotswold Businesses with a 5 star rating that’s recommended by your neighbours.

Cotswold Select is a showcase for the very best independent businesses in the area. Every Cotswold Select business gets to demonstrate, in words and pictures, exactly what makes it special.

Most importantly the Cotswold Select site uniquely lists every review received by your selected business across multiple review platforms so you can find out just what your neighbours think of the service that they’ve received.  Your selected business is just a click away on your desktop or a tap on your ‘phone!

Cotswold Select is completely free to use and its reviews are dynamically updated minute by minute so you are guaranteed the most up to date information to enable you to choose the right Cotswold businesses for your needs.

Don’t forget to add your own review of the Cotswold Select business that you choose so that you are helping local business and of course your friends and neighbours.

Cotswold XL Magazine